Jeweled in good words, in any top publication, you read just how unique the new range of gym apparel online from a certain brand is, and you blindly believed it to be the new fashion trend. (more…)...
Although there is no strict guideline for dressing in the gym, the appropriateness lies with you. When working out, you will sweat and you think that you look unattractive. But you don't. Your principal motive for working out is to become fit and healthy. However, if you are obsessed with looking be...
Vacations these days are much more than de-stressing yourself, as clicking the best pictures and posting them on social media is one of the integral parts of traveling. Now, looking good in the pictures comes when you don the perfect ensembles and for this, you have to stay on trend, and updated wit...
Women these days not only get superbly dressed for parties and workplaces but are more interested in looking sexy at workout classes. The obvious reason is to flaunt their well-built and gym-ready bodies, that look sexy and toned in the tight-fitted workout attires. From printed leggings to sports b...
2017 is already five months down and has already seen a lot of changes grazing it regularly. The fitness circuit has been a scenario susceptible to the biggest revolutions. From wearable technology to embracing nature, it has been subjected to a lot. To summarize a few of them which have and will in...